Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tips for Taking Better Photos

I think that these tips are great. I do have most of these tips down but I do need to work on some. I do  have a bit of problems with the looking at your subject in the eye one. Though doing that is not hard, it is pretty tough for me to get closer to the subject. I usually take far away pictures. And I also sometimes use a distracting background instead of a plain background. I also find it hard to be a picture director. But I will have to work on all of these tips to become a better photographer. Yearbook pictures are not supposed to be posed.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bieber Frenzy

Would you like to able to maybe sell your yearbook for a couple of thousand dollars?? That's all I would say. I mean that would catch some people's attention. This craziness of some guy becoming famous and his yearbook selling for over $1,500 sounds pretty sweet so that should be a catch to buy any yearbook. People would definitely buy something for about $40 dollars and then sell it for a couple of G's. Come on! Buy a yearbook!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Response to Bullying from Single Laughing Dad

I've seen bullying. I've experienced bullying. And subconsciously might have done it. This powerful story really speaks. It talks about those things we all ignore. Those things that lead to what we see today. Death. I don't really know who will read this but please stop bullying. Lend a hand. Care.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Are we safe?

Personally, I've never felt safe down here in the valley. It might be because I live in a rather messed up corrupt town but overall I still feel uneasy. I've lived in the valley and our security hasn't been that great. From killings everyday to drug trafficking, we are not so safe. Though I might be arguing that our security is not that great, it still is safer than Mexico. The only sad part about it is the fact we live so close to Mexico. Safe wouldn't be a great word for the valley. More like uneasy.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Junior Moment

College girls. That's what I'm going to remember the rest of my life. As a junior in high school, I never thought I would  be in class with a lot of beautiful college girls. But I had the opportunity. Though I've learned that college girls are not that bright, just being in the college environment is very cool. It really gives me a hands on learning experience of college and the difficulty or easiness of the many classes. I just recently earned my first A in English 1301 which I am very proud. I go to college not for the girls, but to learn.