Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Generation of Nincompoops?

Nincompoops? Harsh word? Not at all. I strongly believe that we are a dumb generation. All these new technologies have made our life easier yet we can't do the simple things. Though a 7-year old might know how to manage a Blackberry better than an adult but can't get ice out of an ice tray. We are getting dumber on old awesome things and smarter on Ipods, laptops, and new technologies. The guy that wrote that article makes a great perfect point. We need to learn to do these things period! (Now, I have to get to my laundry. Excuse me.)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

DVD Yearbook

DVD supplement to a yearbook is pretty darn sweet. Just to think of actually seeing live footage from some  awesome event is exhilarating. I personally would want to buy one because you not only see but feel the event as it had happened. It provides another view of the same story which greatly is needed if something was not noted in the yearbook but came out in the DVD. Though it might be cool to have a supplement yearbook, it should not be the only thing. Yes, they are useful to satisfy the technological aspect but it can sometimes backfire if its the only plan. What if it gets scratched? What if it gets lost? Things like that could happen so having a hardcover yearbook would be nice to have. Just in case...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Constitution Day is a day that lets us reflect on our past and the constitution created for our country. This political cartoon really shows how upset some Americans are to the 14th Amendment. According to it we are American citizens if we are born here in the U.S.. The political argument right now is about immigration. People are coming over just so they could give here and their kids will automatically be citizens, according to some. This is getting taxpayers upset because they are like" I don't want to pay taxes for that." Though they might have a point, if they went against the constitution and started kicking out people then it would be unconstitutional. The cartoon shows how hypocritical some people can be to issues that involve them. Thus, changing the constitution is their way out but it would go against so many things. I mean, if it weren't for that amendment, we wouldn't be citizens. But some people are misusing this right.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rolling Melancholy

This is what I have to deal with everyday. The new freshmen still act like their height not their age.
The bus. Rolling without regrets. My only regret was that it was jam-packed. Annoying little kids that didn't know what headphones were. And they still are clueless to these. A bus full of kids seems great right? Not. Though they might live in my town, we do not relate. My first impression was, "My God, this is going to be a long year."