Friday, September 17, 2010

Constitution Day is a day that lets us reflect on our past and the constitution created for our country. This political cartoon really shows how upset some Americans are to the 14th Amendment. According to it we are American citizens if we are born here in the U.S.. The political argument right now is about immigration. People are coming over just so they could give here and their kids will automatically be citizens, according to some. This is getting taxpayers upset because they are like" I don't want to pay taxes for that." Though they might have a point, if they went against the constitution and started kicking out people then it would be unconstitutional. The cartoon shows how hypocritical some people can be to issues that involve them. Thus, changing the constitution is their way out but it would go against so many things. I mean, if it weren't for that amendment, we wouldn't be citizens. But some people are misusing this right.

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